Cloudinary removes the need to develop and maintain complex image and media processing logic in-house. Enatega needs to run it for simplicity in operations.
Sign up for a MongoDB Atlas Cluster
Visit MongoDB Atlas Database | Multi-Cloud Database Service and click "Create New Cluster"
Choose your cloud provider, cluster type, and region
Fill in project details and accept Terms of Service
Click "Create Cluster" to provision your database
Download and Install MongoDB Tools
Go to MongoDB: The Developer Data Platform and download the MongoDB Compass GUI tool
Download and install the MongoDB Community Server for your operating system
Configure Network Access Control
In Atlas, go to "Security > Network Access" and click "Add IP Address"
Allow your public IP address or address range access to the database
Create a MongoDB user for authentication during development
Install MongoDB Driver
Open the Enatega app folder in your code editor
Run npm install mongodb to install the MongoDB driver package
Import and instantiate the mongodb module in the app.js file
Create Database Schema
Design the schema structure for collections like Orders, Users etc.
Create model folders for each schema entity with its structure
Export each model to the app.js file
Connect to Cluster from App
Use the MongoDB URI from Atlas to connect to the cluster
Pass the schema models for data CRUD operations
Implement MongoDB methods like find(), insert(), update() etc.
Add CRUD Operations
Create routes and controller logic to support basic CRUD ops
Test routes by adding/fetching data from the MongoDB deployment
Implement Authentication
Add user authentication flows using middleware
Encrypt and store user passwords securely in the database
View Data in Compass
- Download and open Compass to view database structure
- Query and analyze sample data added during testing