Create a Google Cloud Project
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com and click "Create Project"
Fill out the required project name and organization information
Select a unique project ID or let Google generate a random one
Choose a billing account or enable billing if you don't have one setup
Click "Create" to provision the new project
Configure OAuth consent screen
From the side menu, go to APIs & Services > Credentials > OAuth consent screen
Select "Internal" or "External" consent depending on app access
Enter a product name that identifies your app
Add your app's website URL to be authored for login
Upload an app icon image of size 128x128 pixels
Fill out email, address and privacy policy URL details
Click "Save and Continue" and "Back to Dashboard" to publish
Create an OAuth client ID
From side menu, go to APIs & Services > Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth client ID
Select "Web application" as the application type
Authorized JavaScript origins = your React app domain
Authorized redirect URIs = your-app-domain/auth/google/callback
Click "Create" to generate the client ID and secret
Copy and save both values somewhere safe
Install passport and passport-google-oauth20
Navigate to your app folder in terminal
Run npm install passport passport-google-oauth20
This installs and saves both libraries to package.json
Configure passport strategy
Create a passport.js file to initialize passport
Add Google strategy with the client ID and secret
Specify callback URL route
Save and import passport file in app.js
Create Google login routes
Add GET route for login linked to Google button
Add GET route for callback with serialize/deserialize
Add passport.authenticate middleware to both routes
Add session saving on successful authentication
Add Google login button
Import useHistory from React router dom
Add button linked to Google login route
Display "Log in with Google" text
Save user profile on login
Add user model in MongoDB with email, name, picture etc
On deserialize, save profile to database
Add redirect to return successful login
Test Google Authentication
- Add logout, profile routes with passport
- Click login, grant access on consent screen
- Verify profile is saved on login
- Logout works properly