Setup Payment Methods

Below are the steps to integrate Stripe payment functionality into the Enatega app dashboard:


Sign up for a Stripe account

Visit Stripe | Financial Infrastructure for the Internet and sign up for a Stripe account

  • Enter business details and accept Stripe's terms

  • Take note of your Stripe API keys (Secret and Publishable)


Install Stripe package

  • Open Enatega app folder in a code editor

  • Run npm install stripe to install Stripe SDK


Create products in Stripe dashboard

  • Define products like delivery plans, memberships etc.

  • Set prices, inventory levels, metadata etc.


Configure Stripe in Enatega

  • Create config/stripe.js and export Stripe keys

  • Import Stripe configuration in app.js


Add payment form component

  • Build form UI to collect payment details

  • Integrate client-side Stripe Elements for input rendering


Make server-side API call

  • Create POST API to tokenize payment details

  • Pass details to Stripe.js to create PaymentIntent


Handle payment responses

  • Process success/failure response from Stripe

  • Save subscription details to database


Process future payments

  • Listen for webhook events like invoice.paid

  • Update order/subscription status accordingly


Add receipts/subscription page

  • Display past orders, subscriptions details

  • Allow canceling future invoices


Test end-to-end integration

  • Try dummy payments to ensure success
  • View transactions in Stripe dashboard