Change Logs

Editor’s Notes
UPDATED 2/12/2024

As of Spring 2024, we’ve added some exciting new features for merchants and delivery agents. At the core of these enhancements are a handful of new REST APIs that unlock more functionalities on the platform.

Merchant Inventory Management Made Easy
One oft-requested capability was the ability for merchants to manage their product inventory directly from within Enatega's admin interface. The new Merchant Inventory Management API allows creating, reading, updating and deleting a merchant's inventory items in real-time.

This will help merchants ensure accurate availability of products for online ordering. The API endpoints follow standard CRUD operations on the /merchant/{id}/inventory resource. Request and response payloads follow JSON schemas documented clearly.

Real-time Order Status Updates
Another important update is the ability to change an order's status as it progresses from preparation to delivery. Delivery agents and merchants can now leverage the Order Status Update API to flag an order as "preparing", "out for delivery" or "delivered".

This keeps customers in the loop about their orders. It also helps merchants track order fulfilment progress. The API is simply a PUT on the /orders/{id}/status endpoint with the new status in the request body.

Robust Delivery Agent Management
Managing delivery fleets is a crucial part of takeout and delivery logistics. Enatega now offers an all-new Delivery Agent Management API for admin users. It allows creating delivery agents with details like name, vehicle and location. Agents can also be retrieved, updated or deleted as needed.

This aims to streamline the delivery network administration within the platform. Check out the API docs for details on the endpoints and payloads.

The above new features demonstrate Enatega's commitment to continually evolving based on merchant and user needs. Developers are encouraged to try them out and share feedback!


Added New API requisites and routes!

Added New Editor Note!


Amended Technical Documentation Screenshot for login page.