Setup Cloudinary

Cloudinary removes the need to develop and maintain complex image and media processing logic in-house. Enatega needs to run it for simplicity in operations.


Sign up for Cloudinary account

Configure API details

  • After signing in, go to "Dashboard" and select "API Settings"

  • Copy and save your "Cloud Name", "API Key", and "API Secret" values securely


Install Cloudinary SDK

  • In your app folder run npm install cloudinary to install Cloudinary SDK

  • Import Cloudinary module in app.js file


Configure Cloudinary

  • Create config/cloudinary.js file to hold Cloudinary credentials

  • Export Cloudinary instance with your Cloud Name, API Key, API Secret

  • Import Cloudinary config in app.js


Install File Upload capability

  • Run npm install multer cloudinary-storage to support file uploads

  • Import Multer and Cloudinary storage in app.js


Configure Multer storage

  • Create uploader instance with Cloudinary storage config

  • Specify folder name, allowed formats, resize options

  • Export uploader for route handlers


Create Upload Route

  • Add POST route to handle file upload request

  • Use Multer's single() method to upload file

  • Pass file to Cloudinary uploader.upload() to store


Display Uploaded Images

  • Create Image model to store public_id from uploads

  • Render images from database on profile/gallery

  • Configure Cloudinary transformations as needed


Testing Upload Feature

  • Add UI for selecting/submitting image
  • Ensure uploads are processed and stored on Cloudinary
  • Images can be rendered back from MongoDB